This book should, of course, say something about Bavaria, about the people and the customs, about the specialties served in restaurants and, above all, about Bavarian home cooking, to make it possible for you prepare at home what you liked here. This desire awakens mostly when holiday memories are rekondled. Since the simple ingedients of Bavarian cooking are available in every country of the temperate zone, it should certainly not be difficult to recreate your particular favorite dish.
This is a collection of old family recipes, updated by the addition of new data for cooking times and temperatures. I hope you will have a good time cooking the Bavarian way, and wish you the best of success.
Leeb, Olli : Bavarian Cooking .
16. Aufl.. 2021. 171 p. w. numerous ill. and col. photoplates, 1 col. folding plate. . 21,5 cm .
978-3-921799-85-7 SOFORT KAUFEN
– Kochbuch-Verlag Leeb –
GEB 15.00 EUR